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APPROVED 12/17/2009
Minutes of Meeting
Town of Monson
Board of Assessors
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Members Present: Chairman Russell Bressette Jr., and Assessor Allan Curtis
Members Absent:  Assessor Craig Benoit
Principal Assessor: Ann P. Murphy
Open the Meeting:  The meeting was called to order at 11:00am.

Accept the Minutes:  A motion was made by Allan and seconded by Russell to accept the October 22, 2009 minutes as written.  The motion passed unanimously.


Verizon Wireless:  The Board reviewed and signed the 2004 abatement for Verizon Wireless in the amount of $2,100 per the agreement with Verizon Wireless.

Give them Sanctuary:  The Board reviewed the correspondence from Give Them Sanctuary since the last meeting and instructed the principal assessor to send a letter to them to address the issues that they have.

ATB/Board of Appeals:  The Board reviewed the documentation that was received in regards to the appeal that Ann Sroka has filed against the ATB Findings of Fact.


Chapterland: The Board of Assessors voted to approve and sign the following Chapterland applications:
  • 6  Chapter 61A applications
Warrants:  The board voted to approve and sign the following Motor Vehicle & Trailer Excise Warrant
  • 2009 commitment 2009-06 in the amount of $9,536.78
Excise:  The board voted to approve and signed the following Motor Vehicle Excise Abatements:
  • 2009 in the amount of $728.36
Conflict of Interest Law:  The Board received the information regarding the Conflict of Interest Law and they signed the receipt of acknowledgement.

Chapterland:  The Board discussed a Chapterland property that has been making changes to their land.  They instructed the principal assessor to send a letter to the owner in question, asking for an explanation of these changes, to see if it is in violation of the Chapterland rules.

Bank Assessment File:  The Board reviewed information regarding the assessment file that First American Bank has requested.  Allan made a motion that any Bank or business that requests the assessment file be charged a rate of $250 for that file.  Russell seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Classification Hearing:  The Board was informed that the tax classification hearing is to be held on Tuesday November 24, 2009 at 7pm.  Allan made a motion that, if the Board of Selectmen accept a single tax rate, the Board of Assessors would approve the Tax Recap sheet and give the principal assessor authority to submit the tax recap on their behalf.  Russell seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.  

The board was updated on all miscellaneous items

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, December 17, 2009 @ 11:00 a.m.

ADJOURN:  At 11:51am, a motion was made by Allan and seconded by Russell to adjourn.  The motion passed unanimously.